Raven (CBBC) Wiki

For answers to the riddles, see Riddle Answers.

The Riddle of the Portal is the final challenge of Day 5 in series 1 of Raven. This is the challenge that qualifies warriors to the final week, but only two can enter the portal.


Taking place in the Dark Pools, there is a large stone arch with a wisdom riddle on top of it. One at a time starting with the warrior in first place, they must whisper their answer into a listening rock. If they guess correctly, the portal will appear and the warrior can enter it and advance to the final week. But if they fail to solve the riddle, they must return to their standard and let the next placed warrior have their turn. If there are at least two warriors left after all three have had their turn, Raven will tell them the answer is on the archway. When two warriors have gone through the portal, the remaining warrior is eliminated from the quest. This leaves the possibility of the third placed warrior not getting a chance to solve the riddle.


In week 3, a strange hybrid of this challenge and the Vale of Dunan was played. They would have to complete both the riddle path and the archway riddle in order to advance. Raven opens the riddle book and cannot give help. The other warriors are turned around so that they can’t see the answer to the riddle path.

The final week replaces this challenge with the Riddle of the Raven's Eye.
